3-5 Dec 2018, Phnom Penh, Cambodia
An influence of AI for research, innovation, transformation and automation
Professor Alamgir Hossian
Professor Alamgir Hossain is currently serving as the Director of the IT Research Institute at Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge, UK. Prior to this he also served in the University of Northumbria at Newcastle (as head of Computational Intelligence Group), University of Bradford, University of Sheffield, Sheffield Hallam University and the University of Dhaka (as head of the Department of Computer Science and Engineering). He has extensive research experience in computational intelligence, digital diagnosis, cyber security, mobile enabled expert systems and real- time algorithm design. Professor Hossain has led many large EU funded projects as an International lead investigator, worth over 16 million pound. With a publication in Nature, he has published over 300 refereed research articles, contributed in 12 books, received the "F C Williams 1996" award for an IET journal (UK), Lifetime achievement award (Channel S, London) and 'Best Paper Awards' for five conference articles (CSBio2010, IEEE CIS2012, SKIMA 2012, PACBB 2013 & SKIMA 2014). For further details of his publications, please explore his: Google Scholar account.
Title: AI2Product – An influence of AI for research, innovation, transformation and automation
Abstract: AI (artificial intelligence) is one of the most important technology in the game changing business world. Speaking at an AI conference in London, Mr. Dave Coplin (Microsoft CEO) emphatically told business leaders that AI is “the most important technology that anybody on the planet is working on today,”Business Insider, September 2017). It is also noted that an AI Specialist typically earns among the highest salaries within the technology jobs market (New York Times, Oct 2017).”
In this talk, Professor Hossain will present the horizon of AI enabled multi-disciplinary research, innovation, transformation and automation for business, particularly to enhance efficiency and productivity of the process. Professor Hossain will demonstrate how various challenges of different domains can be addressed using AI enabled optimisation, information fusion, decision making, image analysis, prediction, data mining, automation and adaptive algorithms. With examples, his talk will brief the future of cyber physical systems, sharing economy business and medical technology. He will also present his research on AI enabled expert systems design and development process.